

Life changes and goes on and simply we can't do much except 
accepting the way it want us to go through. we are born than 
eventually with time we grow up, reach a younger age and
 later on adolescence and then grow up older and die. in every 
sphere and stag of life we start getting change.
Here i will not write about the physical changes.
But i would rather write about how with a passage
 time the relations get changed:
every relationship begins with a lots and lots of promises, and
 its not wrong because according to human nature, "the thing
 which we don't acquire, is always more attached with us 
and we try very hard to make it our's "

and people says as we already acquire something, it value 
get lessen, but the true fact is especially in
 relationship: expectation goes on increasing with a parlance of time.
i can give you a good example over here:
 initially in any relationship one become fond of opposite person. 
it just because of law of attraction between two opposite person's.
 and with time things goes on changing and that mere attraction changes 
to some deep feeling and attachments and it starts a cumbersome feeling's
 of trust, fear of losing loved one.
it happens in 99% of the cases. because insecurity is in the human nature.

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